So when your preggas with twins, not only are you treated like a celebrity whenever you leave the house but you also get to have extra scans. (woohoo!) These are obviously for medical reasons but its so much fun for mum and dad. After your 20 week scan, you have to get scans every 4 weeks if your twins are non identical and sometimes every 2 weeks if they are identical. (It can vary depending on whether the twins share a sac or a placenta) It is such a bonus coz any excuse to see your babies is amazing. It also gives you regular updates of how they are growing and developing which is really reassuring and good for your anxiety levels. Their weights and sizes are mapped on a graph to make sure they are both developing at the same rate and compared to the norm (having one baby 😉 ) so you can watch them grow on paper too. You’ll find you become more excited and less nervous before scans too coz you have so many of them. The only thing with the scans when there are two babies is you have more of a chance of accidently seeing a willy or two! We didn’t want to know the sex of our twins but coz our babas were top and tail, when you saw one twins’ head, you also saw the bum of the other twin. (doh) So I saw both front bums quite early on. I’d actually already guessed the sex in the moments after I found out it was twins in some weird freakiest psychic way …and turns out I was right. But it’s amazing anyways! We had so many that we took the nanas to some of the scans too. The scans take about 20 mins because the nurses are really thorough on the measurements. This means that you get extra time watching your babies than you would usually. #scanbonus.